Halal in Islam

Foods | Lifestyle | Behavior | Finance

Halal, in Islamic law, refers to what is permissible or lawful. It encompasses various aspects of life, including food, drink, clothing, behavior, and finance. The concept of Halal is derived from the Quran, the holy book of Islam, and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

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E621 Halal or Haram : An In-Depth Analysis

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In the modern food industry, numerous additives and preservatives are used to enhance flavor, appearance, …

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Is Dr. Pepper Halal? A Comprehensive Guide

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Is Pastrami Halal? A Comprehensive Guide

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E621 Halal or Haram

E621 Halal or Haram : An In-Depth Analysis

In the modern food industry, numerous additives and preservatives are used to enhance flavor, appearance, …

dr. pepper halal

Is Dr. Pepper Halal? A Comprehensive Guide

In the world of beverages, many consumers are concerned about whether their favorite drinks meet …

Our Goal

To provide accurate, acceptable, and engaging content on Halal topics in Islam, rooted in the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah, fostering understanding and adherence to Islamic principles among our audience.

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What we do


Develop articles that elucidate the principles of Halal as outlined in the Quran and Sunnah, catering to audiences ranging from beginners to advanced learners


Foster an interactive community by encouraging discussions, questions, and reflections on Halal topics, promoting a deeper understanding and appreciation of Islamic principles. 

Counter Misconceptions

Address misconceptions and misinformation surrounding Halal practices, providing evidence-based insights from Islamic sources to dispel myths and promote clarity.



Empower readers with knowledge and understanding of Halal practices, enabling them to make informed decisions in their daily lives regarding food, finance, lifestyle, and more.

Promote Compliance

Emphasize the importance of adherence to Halal guidelines as prescribed by the Quran and Sunnah, encouraging individuals and businesses to uphold ethical and lawful practices.

Inspire Action

Motivate readers to integrate Halal principles into their lifestyles, promoting conscious consumption, ethical business practices, and a holistic approach to living following Islamic teachings.

About the author

Shah Muhammad Suhail

Current workplace

  • Teacher: Muaj bin Jabal R Quranic Institute Sylhet
  • Content Creator: Halalain.com, PrayerIslam.com, ItIsharam.com
  • Writer and Researcher: History and Fiqh of Islam and Life Questions Answers Publisher

Educational Qualification

  • Masters: in Islamic History and Arabic Language.
  • Special Course: in Islamic Fiqh.
  • Skills: in Bengali, Arabic, Hindi-Urdu, and English language.

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